When it comes to Vitamins, it is an essential nutrient needed for the body to perform important functions. It is required for the functioning, growth, and development of cells present in the body. Among these, Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is required by the body to work properly. It helps make the red blood cells and aids in the proper functioning of the nervous system.
The body does not make Vitamin B12 and therefore, eating a healthy diet remains the best way to get sufficient amounts of this vitamin in particular.
Unfortunately, Vitamin B12 deficiency is common and arises when you don’t get enough from the diet and also from the lack of healthy blood cells. The below-mentioned signs and symptoms explain the deficiency of this vital vitamin.
Weakness and fatigue: It is one of the common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. It occurs because the body doesn’t get enough of the essential vitamin to make red blood cells which helps transport oxygen through the body cells. This makes the person feel weak and tired.
Pale skin: People with the deficiency of this essential vitamin often look pale. When there are not enough red blood cells circulating around in the body then the skin appears pale in color. This causes a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia which can weaken the red blood cells.
Dizziness: Due to the deficiency of vitamin B12, the person becomes anemic, which may also result in the feeling of breathlessness and dizziness. This occurs when the body is unable to transport enough oxygen to its cells. The person with the deficiency may feel a little short of breath and it is also linked with the increased heart rate.
Tingling sensation: Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of myelin. It is a protective coating that shields the nerves, insulates it and helps in the functioning of the nervous system. A long term deficiency may result in nerve damage which is similar to the prickling sensation in the hands and feet and usually occurs alongside anemia.
Affects vision: The untreated B12 deficiency results in nervous system damage that can affect the optic nerve. Therefore, one of the significant symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is a disturbing vision.
Mouth ulcers: Vitamin B12 deficiency affects oral health as well which causes a swollen and red tongue with tiny bumps. Glossitis is a term that is used to describe an inflamed tongue and the deficiency may also result in mouth ulcers or itching sensation.
Increased heart rate: A fast heart rate is also the main sign of Vitamin B12 deficiency. The heart beats faster to make up for the decreased number of red blood cells in the body. It is because anemia puts pressure on the heart to transport a higher volume of blood around the body to ensure oxygen circulates and reaches all the organs.